Welcome to Northeast Academy Arts Magnet School Parent Teacher Organization (PTO)
The PTO's purpose is to support the academic programs, strive to enrich each students experience, and facilitate and enhance communications to parents and teachers. Funds raised are used to fund classroom field trips, provide teachers with funds for their classrooms, as well as fund special events.
All PTO Meetings will be held in person in the NEA Media Center at 6:00 p.m.
Meeting Dates for Fall 2024
Monday, September 16
Tuesday, October 15
Monday, November 18
Monday, December 9
Welcome to the 2024-2025 PTO Executive Board
President: Lynore Plouffe
*Please email any questions to: lynoreplouffe@gmail.com
Co-Vice Presidents: Marissa Gallo and Tara Hoyt
Treasurer: Emily Maher
Secretary: Jessica Labossiere
Mark your calendars for these fun PTO sponsored events already scheduled:
Bingo - Thursday, January 16
Glow Night - Wednesday, February 12
5th Grade Spaghetti Supper and Basket Raffle - Wednesday, March 5th
**The PTO cannot run these events with out parent and family support and volunteers. Please join our monthly meeting to help plan and organize these and other events!